Testing the build and deploy goodness...

April 2, 2012

If I’m right, then all I have to do is save this file and push it to Github, and then by some Jenkins-y magic it will appear on the blog!

Ain’t that lovely?

Today’s work has been wrestling with Jenkins. First finding out that the version I had didn’t support the plugins I wanted, then upgrading Jenkins and dealing with some dodgy default plugins breaking my build, then finding out that the S3 plugin didn’t do what I wanted anyway. :\

But then I found an excellent little command line tool called s3cmd. Its sync option does exactly what I need: upload all the files in a folder and actually keep the folders, rather than flattening out the hierarchy like the S3 Jenkins plugin does.

So now (in theory) I shouldn’t need to touch Jenkins at all while I’m away on holiday!

Testing the build and deploy goodness... - April 2, 2012 - Lucas Wilson-Richter